nokia e65 & mac

bernhard m cramer asked:

The only thing I understand is that you allmost certanly are dealing with a problem I have: connectivity E65 – OS 10.4.9. (PowerBook G4), especially use of the E65 as a modem for mobile web and, isycnc, of course. So, if you have a solution to the community, please, make it public to the english speaking world.

usually i wrote write in indonesian language, but i think bernhard has a point, he had trouble using e65 with his mac, and needed help/instructions in english, so here it is.
for starters, make sure you are using the latest version mac os x tiger, right now is at 10.4.9. this way we’re sure isync is at version 2.4. a little warning though, i don’t have an e65, so i can’t try this by myself, but i’m pretty sure it will work. if it doesn’t, just let me know what happened with details like the error messages.
this is pretty straightforward. the current isync 2.4 doesn’t support e65, fortunately nokia provided plugins for some of their newest lines of cellphones. find the plugin for e65 there, and follow the installation instructions. you should be able to sync your e65 now.
bluetooth dial-up modem
firstly, make sure you could connect to the internet using your e65. refer to your network provider instructions to do this. the next step is to download the nokia 3G modem script from ross barkman’s home page. just find “Scripts for Nokia 3G (EDGE/UMTS) phones (17kB)“, download it, and then put the modem scripts into /Library/Modem Scripts folder. make sure you also read the included readme file.
bring up bluetooth from system preferences, select the e65 device name, and then click configure. this will bring up the bluetooth setup assistant. check the “Access the Internet with your phone’s data connection“, and select “Use a direct, higher speed connection to reach your Internet Service Provider (GPRS, 1xRTT)“.

click continue, fill in your internet account details, and in the GPRS CID String, type in your internet provider’s APN. for Modem Script, select Nokia 3G CID1.

if you still having problems connecting, follow these instruction from ross barkman’s page:

Warning for GPRS users: if you get connected, but no traffic seems to flow, try turning off TCP header compression (Remote Access:Options:Protocol in OS 9, Preferences:PPP:PPP Options in OS X). Many GPRS networks do not support this feature.
Warning for OS X and GPRS: one of OS X’s default settings causes problems with many GPRS networks. If you get disconnections after only a few seconds, turn off “Send PPP echo packets” in System Preferences:Network:PPP:PPP Options.

that should be it. if you find this instruction useful, send your gratitude by buying ross some beer. 🙂

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9 responses to “nokia e65 & mac”

  1. “usually i wrote in indonesian language”
    yea, we can tell. *chuckles*
    usually i … write …

  2. Eko, that’s interchangeable although the usual usage is “I usually write” instead of wrote (because it’s “usually” meaning that you do it regularly and shouldn’t use past tense).
    Oh on another matter, do you have any idea how to iSync P990i (or use it for modem)? I just switched from K610i and suddenly lost connectivity.

  3. how about i’m not using mac?
    coz my computer is window…
    n my phone is 6600 n i’d like to copy the contact to e65?
    thanks b4

  4. Hi, mau nanya..
    lagi desperately banget menggunakan E65. Baru punya (agak norak dan OON, hehehe)…
    So pertanyaanku adalah
    gimana nyambung ke wifi (di kantor ada wifi)
    Trus mau pakai internet lewat usb kabel ke komputer
    atau browsing pakai gprs atau 3 g lewat hape gimana?
    Makasih banget

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